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This assessment consists of functions you need to write involving primarily boolean expressions. It is a closed book assessment. You should stay on this tab until you are done and there should be no talking. This assessment is about how much you understand. There are no automatic tests but you can use the REPL to test things yourself.

You can move through the questions with the arrows at the upper right next to the 1 of indicator so if you're not sure how to write one function move on to another one and come back if you have time at the end. I want to see how much you do know. Note: you can also click on thingsLikeThis in these instructions and the questions to copy them to the clipboard to avoid spelling mistakes. (I.e. click to copy and then ⌘-v to paste wherever you want.)

When you are done, please click on your Github username above and submit a GitHub pull request of the branch and request me as a reviewer. Doing this correctly is part of the assessment. If you are unsure how to request a review, please ask for help!

Put definitions here.


Questions of

Write a function named needHeavyCoat that takes two boolean arguments, one that is true if a person is going outside and the other that is true if they are somewhere cold, and returns a boolean indicating whether they need a heavy coat which they only need if they are going outside somewhere cold.

Write a function named needSunscreen that takes two boolean arguments, one that is true if someone is going to the beach and the other that is true if they are going skiing, and returns a boolean indicating whether they need to wear sunscreen which they need to do both at the beach and on the ski slopes.

Write a function named needMittens that takes two boolean arguments, one which is true if a person is going outside and the other which is true if they are somewhere warm, and returns a boolean indicating whether they need to wear mittens which they need if they are going outside somewhere that isn’t warm.

Write a function named isVenomous that returns a boolean indicating whether a snake on the island of Booleana is venomous based on two boolean arguments, one which is true if the snake is striped and the other of which is true if the snake has a blue head. All striped snakes on Booleana are venomous as are all of the unstriped snakes on the island except the blue-headed Blooby Snake.

Write a function named okaySpeed that takes two numeric arguments, one indicating the posted speed limit in miles per hour and the other the speed a car is going, also in miles per hour. It should return true if and only if the speed is no more than ten mph below the posted limit and no more than ten mph above the posted limit.

Write a function named twiceAsExpensive that takes two numeric arguments, each indicating the price of an item you are considering buying. The function should return true if and only if the first item costs more than twice as much as the second item.

Write a function named winningRecord that takes three numeric arguments, a team’s number of wins, losses, and ties. It should return true if the team has a winning record, meaning it has won more than half of the games it has played.

Write a function named isMagicNumber that takes a single numeric argument and returns true if the number is one of the two magic numbers, 42 or 17. (For 10,000,000 extra credit points, include a comment about why you think 42 and 17 are magic numbers.)