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This assessment consists of recursive functions you need to write. This is an closed book assessment.

You can move through the questions with the arrows at the upper right next to the 1 of indicator so if you're not sure how to write one function move on to another one and come back if you have time at the end. I want to see how much you do know. Note: you can also click on thingsLikeThis in these instructions and the questions to copy them to the clipboard to avoid spelling mistakes. (I.e. click to copy and then ⌘-v to paste wherever you want.)

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Questions of

Write a recursive function named factorial that takes a single non-negative integer argument and returns the nth factorial number which is defined as the product of the integers from 0 to N, inclusive except that the 0th factorial, i.e. factorial(0), is 1.

Write a recursive function named fibonacci that computes the nth element of the Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc. After the first two items, i.e. fibonacci(0) which is 0 and fibonacci(1) which is 1, each item in the sequence is the sum of the two previous items.

Write a recursive function named sumSquares that takes a single non-negative integer argument, n, and returns the sum of the squares of the numbers from 0 to n, inclusive.

Write a recursive function named maximum that takes an array of numbers and returns the maximum value in the array. If the array is empty, it should return the special value -Infinity.

Write a recursive function named treeMap that takes two arguments, a tree and a function. Trees are either objects with left and right properties or leaf values that can be anything. The function isLeaf, which is already defined for you in the starter code, will tell you whether a given value is a leaf. The function should return a new tree with the same structure as the original but with each leaf replaced with the result of calling the passed in function with the old leaf value as an argument. For instance:

treeMap({left: 10, right: { left: 2, right: 3 } }, (x) => x * 2)

should return:

{ left: 20, right: { left: 4, right: 6 } }

Write a recursive function named sumPrimesBelow that takes a single integer argument greater than 1 and returns the sum of the prime numbers less than or equal to that argument. For instance sumPrimesBelow(10) should return 17. You should use the function isPrime, which has been defined for you in the starter code, to test if a given number is prime.

Write a recursive function named nvwls (short for noVowels) that takes a string as an argument and returns a string with all the same characters as the original but with all vowels (a, e, i, o, and u) removed.

Write a recursive function named caesar that takes a string and a key (which happens to be a number) and returns the string encoded by rotating each character using the rotate function, which has been defined for you in the starter code and which rotates a character around the alphabet based on the key argument. As simple test of whether this is working applying caesar twice with the key 13 should get you back to where you started, e.g.:

caesar(caesar('any string', 13), 13) === 'any string'

Write a recursive function named toList that takes a single array argument and returns an object representation of the array in the following format, called a list. (Note: in this context a “list” is not an array even though sometimes in Javascript we’ll informally call an array a list.)

  • An empty array is represented as a list by the value null
  • A non-empty array is represented by as a list by an object with two properties: first and rest.
    • The value of the first property is the first item of the array.
    • The value of the rest property is a list containin the remaining elements of the array.

For instance, the array [1, 2, 3] would be represented as:

{ first: 1, rest: { first: 2, rest: { first: 3, rest: null } } }

Write a recursive function named map that takes two arguments, a list as returned by the toList function from the previous question and a function, and returns a new list represented in the same way with each first value replaced with the result of passing the original first value to the function argument.

For instance:

map({ first: 1, rest: { first: 2, rest: { first: 3, rest: null } } }, (n) => n * 10)

should return:

{ first: 10, rest: { first: 20, rest: { first: 30, rest: null } } }