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This assessment consists of functions you need to write involving numeric expressions. It is a closed book assessment. You should stay on this tab until you are done and there should be no talking. This assessment is about how much you understand. There are no automatic tests but you can use the REPL to test things yourself.

You can move through the questions with the arrows at the upper right next to the 1 of indicator so if you're not sure how to write one function move on to another one and come back if you have time at the end. I want to see how much you do know. Note: you can also click on thingsLikeThis in these instructions and the questions to copy them to the clipboard to avoid spelling mistakes.

When you are done, please submit a GitHub pull request of the branch and request me as a reviewer. Doing this correctly is part of the assessment.

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Questions of

Write a function named itemsLeftOver that takes two arguments, a number of people and a number of items, and returns the number of items that will be left over after you give each person the maximum number of items you can while giving everyone the same number of items.

Write a function named areaOfCircle that takes one argument, the radius of a circle, and returns the area of the circle. The formula for the area of a circle with radius r is πr2. In Javascript you can use Math.PI to get a good approximation of π.

Write a function named volumeOfCube that takes a single argument specifying the length of one edge of a cube, and returns the volume of the cube.

Write a function named populationGrowth that takes two numeric arguments, the current size of a population and a growth rate expressed as a fraction the population will grow in a day. The function should return the amount by which the population will grow in one day. For example, if the population was initially 100 and the growth rate was 0.25, it would grow by 25 members.

Write a function named earnedRunAverage that takes two arguments, the number of “earned runs” a baseball pitcher has given up and the number of innings that pitcher has pitched. The function should return the pitcher’s Earned Run Average (ERA) which is defined as the average number of earned runs per inning pitched multiplied by 9.

Write a function named valueOfJewels that takes four arguments, a number of diamonds, a number of emeralds, the value of one diamond in gold pieces, and the value of one emerald in gold pieces. The function should return the value in gold pieces of the given number of diamonds and emeralds. In other words multiply the number of each type of jewel by the value of that kind of jewel and sum the products.

Write a function named payWithOvertime that takes three numeric arguments, a number of hours someone worked, their normal hourly rate, and their overtime rate. The function should return how much they are paid for the hours worked assuming that they are paid their normal rate for the first eight hours and their overtime rate for any hours beyond that.

Write a function named firstClassPostage that takes one argument, the weight in ounces of a letter. It should return the postage needed, in cents, to mail the letter given that anything up the first ounce costs 60 cents and each additional ounce, or fractional ounce, costs 24 cents. A function that will be useful is Math.ceil which returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to its single argument. For instance, Math.ceil(2.3) is 3.

Write a function named weightOnJupiter that takes a single argument, the weight of a person in kilograms on Earth, and returns the weight of that same person on Jupiter.

Note that weights on other planets are computed by multiplying the Earth weight by the ratio of the other planet’s gravity to Earth’s gravity. For instance, if there was a planet whose gravity was exactly twice Earth’s, then someone would weight exactly twice as much on that planet as on Earth. Two useful constants defined in the starter code for you are JUPITER_GRAVITY and EARTH_GRAVITY

Write a function named gravity that takes three numeric arguments, the first two are the masses of two bodies (such as planets) and the third is the distance between the two objects. It should return the gravitational force attracting the two bodies which is computed as the product of the bodies’ masses divided by the square of the distance between them, all multiplied by the universal gravitational constant which is defined for you in the starter code as the constant G.