1337 times 32

Write any expression that evaluates to the same thing as the product of 1337 and 32

Sally's even more apples

Sally had six thousand, four hundred and thirty two apples and she give four thousand and to Billy. Write an expression for the number of apples Sally has now.

Area of circle with radius 2

Write any expression that evaluates to the area of a circle with radius two. (Recall that the formula for the area of a circle is π times the square of the circle's radius.) You can use Math.PI to get a good approximation of π.

Seconds in a day

Write any expression that evaluates to the number of seconds in a day.


The sum of two numbers is what you get when you add them together. Write an expression for the sum of the two numbers a and b.


The difference between two numbers is what you get when you subtract the second from the first. Write an expression for the difference between the two numbers a and b.


The product of two numbers is what you get when you multiply them. Write an expression for the product of the two numbers a and b.


The ratio between two numbers is what you get when you divide the first by the second. Write an expression for the ratio of the two numbers a and b.


The remainder of of dividing one number by another is the integer part left over after doing a division. Write an expression for the reminder after dividing a by b.


The average of two numbers is their sum divided by two. Write an expression for the average of the two numbers a and b.


The distance between two numbers (e.g. on the number line) is the absolute value of their difference. The Math.abs function returns the absolute value of its argument. Write an expression that computes the distance between two numbers a and b.

Manhattan distance

The “Manhattan distance” between two points in 2d space is the sum of the distance between the points along the x axis (crosstown) and the distance between the points along the y axis (uptown/downtown). Write an expression that computes the Manhattan distance between two points the first whose x,y coordinates are given by the numbers x1 and y1 and the second by the numbers x2 and y2.