Number function practice …

Number function practice

Practice writing numerical functions by translating as many of the expressions from the Arithmetic and Geometric problem sets into functions. For instance, for the “Perimeter of a square” expression from the Geometric expressions problems you might write:

    const perimeterOfSquare = (s) => {
      return s * 4;

If you wanted to, you could also write it in shorthand form as:

    const perimeterOfSquare = (s) => s * 4;

This should be relatively easy given that you should already have correct expressions to use; you just need to wrap them up in functions. You can also clear out your code from the Number functions problem set and try writing them again. We are going to have another assessment on Friday focusing on just these kinds of functions which will affect your grade on both the Numeric expressions and Writing basic functions standards.

Put definitions here.
